
Radioactive Clouds, Radioactive Rainbows

"Did you feel that rumble, did you hear that sound?
Well, it wasn't no Earthquake, but it shook the ground...." -Gil Scott Heron

Above all, if we are to be effective parents, we must lead by example.

The intensity of the events that are unfolding and emanating from Japan is massive.  On many levels, life on Earth will never be the same.  Details are emerging and transforming every second.  A clear image of what precisely is happening may never emerge.  It wasn't until years later that the public learned that the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear disaster had blanketed Europe in a radioactive cloud.  Radioactive clouds are after all, invisible.

Scientists tell us that the 9.0 earthquake affected the earth's rotation so that we are spinning faster now by  a few micro-seconds.  Anyone who has been paying attention, however, is aware that time is accelerating a lot faster than that and has been from before the quake hit.  2011 has been and will continue to be, all about momentum.   We have already experienced escalating solar winds unleashed by strong solar flare activity, increased volcanic eruptions (including one in Japan during the ongoing quakes and aftershocks they are experiencing), economic upheavals and political revolutions.   Everything is connected and the message is the same everywhere: Transformation.

I remember, many years ago, a friend made a simple observation about how much trust we take for granted during the simple act of driving.  We just assume, he said, that the cars speeding along in the opposite direction are going to stay on their side of the double yellow line.  Anyone of them could take our life away in a micro-second with a simple quick shift of direction.

In the same way, we take an awful lot for granted in trusting in our living spaceship Earth.  From water, atmosphere, gravity and electro-magnetic fields to 24 hour rotation, seasonal tilts and a harmonious, unerring dance with the Sun and Moon revolutions, we trust and assume that everything will stay on course and inside the lines.

Ongoing revelations from the Japanese epicenter are warning us, in no uncertain terms, that we are taking our living spaceship, our source of abundance and sustenance for granted and there are consequences when trust slips into negligence and taking for granted turns into taking advantage of.  This is not a new message, it is a message that has been repeated almost to the point of redundancy in recent decades, but it has never been delivered with such brutal and undeniable force.

Here for all to see is what happens when we underestimate the power of the Earth and simultaneously overestimate the reach of Man.

It's time to take care of our ship.  It's time to stop taking our Mother for granted.

This is no longer an issue that can be divided down party lines or conservative versus liberal viewpoints.  It is not something that needs to be debated between industries and activists.  Actions requiring great courage are upon us.  Every decision, in every arena, must be contemplated in terms of promoting a sustainable, harmonious relationship with our living home. We can not go to sleep and expect to wake-up back wherever we thought normal existed.  We definitely can not allow greed to continue to be the fuel of economies and political systems.  We must rise-up, collectively with strength, courage and compassion.  We must rise-up and act in every direction, in every relationship, with every breath, with integrity and constant vigilance and respect for this delicate planet.

Great healing is needed on every level right now.  With the momentum building and the process of massive change and transformation already upon us, it is essential that we connect with our deepest healing powers and inform this transformational process with those healing energies.  Compassion is the source, courage is the fuel, to heal must be our intention.

The radioactive clouds are upon us, there is nothing for it.  They are here.  The years I spent living in the land of endless rainbows, Hawaii, taught me some big lessons.  One of them was that  gray clouds, often have more than a silver lining, many have rainbows smack in the middle of them.

That holds true for radioactive clouds as well.  Even in the midst of overwhelming tragedy, rainbow bridges exist for us to transcend the disaster and destruction.  Those bridges can lead to a realization of our collective highest potential.  The massive change we are in the midst of can become a transformation of heroic proportions.  To embark upon the rainbow bridge is to give birth to the hero within.

What is crucial is that we understand those bridges require inner and outer work to cross.  We must have the courage to first of all look inward, to bravely question our intentions and beliefs, so that we can truly become effective healers in all our actions. Only then will we have the power and magic to unite and collectively transform those who doggedly refuse to let go of their greed-motivated exploitative relationships with our fragile eco-system.  Make no mistake about this, the crossing of a rainbow bridge often requires great struggle and the willingness to fight. The yellow brick road led to OZ, but not before struggles were fought.

Great places to begin:  In the mirror, with our children, helping those directly effected by the collected disasters, helping to clean-up the environmental damage and putting an end to nuclear power.

"There's only one way to keep them safe,
There's only one way to keep them from melting down,
Shut them down, shut them down"


  1. You bet there's rainbows smack in the middle of the radioactive clouds. Great Great article. Spoken from the heart. Excellent advice. We need this to be read far and wide!

  2. Excellent article. Too often we lapse back into what's easy, and that doesn't always include taking care of our earth.

    Japan was one message. We've had others. It feels like the lapse happens over and over...so what will be the next message.

    Thank you for sharing an important point of view. I'll share this to alert others...again.
