
The End of the Beginning...The Emergence of the Rainbow Warrior

Today, my son, Phoenix,turns 16. And while the process of growing into a man, has been and continues to be ongoing and fluid, there is a certain undeniable resonance to this moment in the journey that deserves inspection, honoring....and celebration.

The art of parenting, as every parent to varying degrees comes to understand, requires from the outset, a constantly shifting balancing act between, on one hand, caring for, teaching and supporting, and on the other, empowering, encouraging independence and ultimately letting go...

Like training wheels on a bicycle, and teaching the pilot the art of navigation and the workings of the airplane, so they can fly away on their own, there comes a time in every parent's journey where they must learn to step back and observe....even if the first flights are test flights, into young adulthood and independence.

Thankfully, unlike the proverbial bird kicking the chick out of the nest so it can fly, our parenting process can continue to be just that, a process, rather than one defining moment, because in truth, I am not ready to let go completely of the best friend, best student and best teacher I have had the pleasure of knowing.

Yet, it is important to acknowledge cycles within the journey, ends of beginnings and beginnings of new stages in all of our relationships. It is important because that acknowledgement then infuses us with a perspective that allows a well-earned sense of celebration for the journey so far and inspires a new process which calls for an assessment of the role we have played, in order to re-imagine and visualize how we can best serve our rainbow warriors as they test their wings and explore the art of flying.

If, it has been and continues to be our intention, to reveal the heroic rainbow warrior within our children, to nurture and empower an integral, light being who has the courage and clarity to act with compassion and strength, so that they may realize their individual potential and gifts....and thus both lead and serve humanity's collective quest for enlightenment and an evolved consciousness....then, we must not confuse stepping back and allowing with thinking our work is done.  It isn't.

As I reflect on the dawning of this new cycle in parenting, in nurturing a young hero, a rainbow warrior, I am struck by the realization that the place where the lessons began and the intention was born, is also the place where the most important work for the new cycle begins.....within myself.

Of course, from the beginning, if we intend to teach integrity and compassion, we must embody it, or at least strive for it...but now, as we learn to step back and allow, and we strive to empower our young adults with the courage to pursue their heart's dreams and visions...now, as our words increasingly fade into the silent distance...now, more than ever, we must step up and embody our ideals and be strong models...because our actions will burn eternal, in their hearts.....