
MLK: Transcending color, an elite rainbow warrior

                       "Love has within it a redemptive power,
                       And there is a power there that eventually
                       transforms individuals.  That's why Jesus says,
                       'Love your enemies' Because if you hate your
                       enemies, you have no way to redeem and to
                       transform your enemies, but if you love your enemies,
                       you will discover that at the very root of love, is the
                       power of redemption.  How do you go about loving
                       your enemies?  I think the first thing is this:
                       In order to love your enemies, you must begin
                       by analyzing self"  -Martin Luther King

One of the great assets our generation possesses, is the access we have to so many diverse paths of spiritual wisdom.  Throughout my recently published book, Papa's Tribal Cafe: A Single Parent's Guide to Nurturing Rainbow Warriors, I quote from a diverse tribe of ancient and modern Rainbow Warriors.  There is no one I quote from more than the master teacher, Martin Luther King.

It is no coincidence that the teachers who have been able to deliver the most profound and  precious  teachings, the ones that  have been able to move us closer towards our highest potential as compassionate beings, the ones that have been able to activate our heart energies and to ignite the hero within, have all done so in the face of great oppression.  Far from coincidence it is the pathway.

Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama are three shining examples of great teachers who in the face of great hate and massive challenges were able to not only access the light within their own hearts, but were able to utilize the tremendous obstacles they faced to teach others about the ultimate power of love.

               "When I speak of love, I am not speaking of some sentimental
               and weak response.  I'm not speaking of that force which is just
               emotional bosh.  I am speaking of that force which all of the
               great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life.
               Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door which leads to
               ultimate reality."  -Martin Luther King

Significantly they each took a different religious path to arrive at the same understandings about the power of love and light.  Just as significantly they each embraced  and understood the potential on all paths.

The ancient Greeks had a saying,  "The Gods test those they love the most".  What they meant was, that those with the greatest capacity for growth, those who exhibit the strength, courage and love to stay the path towards enlightenment will be given the greatest challenges to overcome.   It is only through resistance that patience, love and compassion can deepen.  We learn patience for example, when someone tries our patience.

The model of excellence and divinity that Martin Luther King provides, is a model that transcends all color and  religious beliefs.  He is a model of humanity that teaches us the value of rising in the face of oppression, the power of love and courage in action, and crucially, the understanding that the greater the obstacle we face, the greater the opportunity we have to realize our highest potential.

As we stand on the edge of this new frontier, in a world that is morphing unrecognizably, and wonder how our children will be able to navigate their way, we can learn a lot from studying Martin Luther King.  We can learn that courage, true, deep courage is rooted in love and compassion.

And we can trust that the greater the challenges our children face in their lifetime, the greater their opportunity will be for them to realize their inner hero.  This is a heavy understanding.  We are in the midst of massive change.  It is happening, now. There isn't one parent amongst us that doesn't want to somehow protect our children, from these turbulent times.  But the real truth is, the truth that we can see exemplified in the life of Martin Luther King, is that we don't need to protect our children.  We need to prepare them.

Prepare them by equipping them with the tools they need to seize the great opportunities this generation will have to realize their highest potential.  What are the tools?  Courage, integrity, compassion and love.  Simply put:  The ability to listen and act according to their heart.

Thank you so much M L K.  Thank you for lighting the way......

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