
Occupy Love Street

"When I speak of love I am not speaking of some sentimental and weak response which is little more than emotional bosh. I am speaking of that force which all of the great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life. Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door which leads to ultimate reality..This oft misunderstood and misinterpreted concept so readily dismissed by the Nietzsches of the world as a weak and cowardly force, has now become an absolute necessity for the survival of man."
 -Martin Luther King

As the sweet voice of justice rises from the throat of American masses whom are finally waking up to the economic chains they have become enslaved in, it is an important time to reflect on our own personal involvement and to take a long look in the mirror.

If we have become engaged in an economic, greed motivated system, it is crucial to remember it has not happened without our consent.  We are as much a part of a profit seeking, materialistically motivated system as we choose to be.  There is no sense in pointing fingers at the programmers and power brokers of the system, if we are not able to first examine our own intentions, motivations and actions.We must first disengage and clarify our own path.  We must insure it is rooted in the heart.

Ultimately, the real occupation needs to be of our own souls.  We need to occupy our heart spaces and prioritize the spiritual.  We need to occupy love street, if we have any real inclination towards transforming the system that has enslaved us.

Because ultimately, it is our own willingness to buy into the system in the first place that exposes us to relinquishing our power to it.  If we truly intend to transform a world out of balance, we must be courageous enough to first examine and challenge ourselves, to break our own personal chains.

Because once, we are truly able to occupy Love Street, Wall Street will no longer matter. We will occupy it, by first draining all its power.  And more importantly, we will be prepared to replace it with a more powerful construct. 

Cancel All Debt: Occupy Main Street

600 years BC, in Ancient Athens, the great statesman, Solon, laid the pathway for the emergence of the World's first true Democracy.  The bold moves he enacted broke the back of an economic system that had managed to accumulate all wealth into the pockets of a few and had the rest enslaved in economic chains.

The boldest of his actions and the most successful, was his elimination of all debts.  Prior to his implementing and creating a clean slate, workers were bound by long term, often lifetime, contacts to the bankers and landowners of the time.  In his time, debt was effectively contracted as work owed, rather than money owed, but the principals and systems of interest were hauntingly similar to our precarious times.

In one fell swoop, Solon eliminated all debts and thus freed the population from economic enslavement.  This more than any other single action, history has shown, was the trigger to the emergence of Democracy.

I remember back in the 1970's when I was in high school, our social studies teacher taught us that for the average American, the largest investment of their lifetime would be the buying of their home and that their second largest would be the purchase of a new car.  The thing they didn't teach us back then was that on every one of those purchases, by every one of those Americans, the biggest profit maker would be neither the homeowner or the homeseller, but a third party, who was not producing or benefiting anyone: The Banks.

Consider how different our economy would look if all those hard earned dollars forked over to banks for interest weren't extracted needlessly and if those same greedy bankers, who are now tightening the chains worldwide, in an effort to further exploit and enslave the masses, simply were not part of the formula.

Solon  did.  And guess what?  The bankers collapse didn't trickle down to the masses, it liberated them and sparked one of the greatest periods of human intellectual and spiritual accomplishment in our short history. True democracy was born.

Of course, we don't have a leader that is going to step up and initiate a massive reform of such truly transformative power.  Coincidentally though, the emerging Occupy WS force is not looking for leaders to enact anything.  Consider this: What if there was a massive economic strike against the banking syndicate?  What if every home and car owner who is making payments to the banks, en masse, as a collective, simply stopped making their payments?  How long would it take for the whole banking system to collapse?

Wall street doesn't need to be occupied, it needs to be vacated, so that Main street can be reclaimed....or at least occupied.


Greece full of hope and potential!

A day doesn't pass without an article being written about the bleak future of Greece.  IMF and banking propagandists are spreading rumors about Greeks being lazy, yet every Greek I know works 70 plus hours a week with a maximum of two days off a month.  There are consistently articles from economic experts telling us how Greece's massive debt will pull down Europe and by extension the global economy. Of course, very few of those articles explore the process that allowed Greece, the victim not the culprit, to be exploited and set-up for massive raiding.  Very few articles mention the vast off shore oil reserves that. like Argentina, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc, make them prime targets for military or economic take-over,  And I will not go into detail here about the economic warfare that has been raged on this tiny jewel of a nation, because this is an article about a bright future and the transcendence of a greed based system, a fear based culture that is eating away, like an uncontained disease at our precious Mother earth and the divine consciousness we are blessed with.

This is an article about a culture and a land that has the potential and power to lead and to be a model for a way of life that the heart of man is crying out for, that the divine spirit of Man is ready to manifest.  As the struggle for the soul of man, between the forces of economic greed and the forces of the heart ( the spiritual realm, God and Goddess) continue to intensify, as the consensus reality based on economic growth and personal possessions continues to crumble, those whom are grounded in their heart space are increasingly looking to a return to a harmonious relationship with the earth and each other.

Greece is perfectly situated on many levels to be a leader on this vital mission.  On this beautiful agricultural Island where I live, where underground fresh water supplies have sprung eternally for thousands of years to nourish the land and the people, there is barely a piece of earth that is not used for food production.  woven between the Olive, orange, pomegranate and almond trees are farmed fields of melons and tomatoes, or broccoli and cabbage in the winter.  Sheep and goats graze, nearly everyone has at least a few chickens.  Compare that lifestyle with an American suburban culture of mowed lawns using gasoline and water and human energy to maintain a look, form without function, of economic prosperity.

Yes, Greece is full of potential, because the jewels here are a culture that has not disconnected itself from the Earth, a culture that is full of hard workers who understand and appreciate the toil and reward of working close with our living Mother Earth.

Beyond that, Greece is still a culture that understands the importance of a town square and of discussing as a community their common journey.  The Greeks are not yet a culture seperated and divided, controlled and manipulated completely by a media with a strong agenda that is completely tied to corporate heads and a military-industrial complex.

So, yes, Greece is full of potential. Potential to model and create a sustainable future vision for humanity at the crossroads.  The potential is here.  What is necessary now is that leaders emerge with the courage and vision to let go of a false path, to break free of economic slave masters.  What is necessarily now is that the people, wipe the mirages of ipads and materialistic dreams from their consciousness and embrace the blessings that surround them.

Greece is full of not only hope, but more importantly of potential.  Greece can once again take up the role of global leadership, if Greeks are willing and courageous enough to break the economic chains of foreign greed and of inner delusion, if they are willing to cultivate their relationship with the Earth and their connection to community and village stewardship.  Greece has a very bright future not only as survivors but as leaders, if Greeks are willing to be the first culture not to submit to the process of economic enslavement that is now ravaging the earth and instead, let their hearts lead.  Greeks must lead by letting go of a consumer mentality, that is only profiting industrial, producing economies, like Germany and the like.  They must embrace an holistic, sustainable path, grounded in the earth and in their hearts and they must work together towards this end.

It is a path that will involve a complete and  massive shake-up and rethink of the government system and the education system.  It is a path that requires a great letting go and of great courage. And it is a path that is not only very needed, but is very possible to implement, here where government and education systems were born.

Yes, Greece is full of potential.  It is time to manifest.